My Writings & Posts Were NEVER About trump

Photo by Life Matters from Pexels

“What are you going to write and post about now that trump is out of office?”

I’ve heard variations on this theme more than once, and from a fairly wide cross-section of people. Though it pains me to type his name, the answer is simple. It was NEVER about trump!

That might seem at odds on a day marking the start of his historic second impeachment trial. But it’s true. As awful as trump is as a human being, and as awful as he was as a President, his presence paled in significance to all those around him who proudly supported his racist dog whistles, his narcissism, his greed, and “policies” designed only to line his pockets and appease his racist base.

Trump was an overt manifestation of the America I’ve been writing about since the early days of this blog.

An America that aspires to be a beacon of hope but is, in reality, a place where people applaud the tragic deaths of those who can’t afford healthcare.

An America where one political party spent 4 years and 70 attempts to repeal healthcare for millions of Americans simply because of the Black man who made it possible.

An America where Eric Garner was choked to death by a police officer using an illegal chokehold, and the only person to be arrested was the guy who shot the video.

An America that made a hero out of a wannabe-cop who stalked and murdered a Black teenager on his way home from a 7-11 with some Skittles and a beverage.

An America where State officials changed the water source for a predominantly Black & poor city even though they knew that the change would irrevocably contaminate the water with lead.

An America that elected a President whose campaign was based on injuring fellow Americans and making it nearly impossible for non-white immigrants to become citizens.

An America where that same President referred to “fine people on both sides” after a demonstration where white supremacists marched through the streets of a city chanting “Jews will not replace us!”

An America where a policeman murdered a Black man by kneeling on his neck for almost ten minutes, and a large percentage of the white population cared more about the traffic inconveniences caused by protests than the cruelty of his man’s death.

An America where nearly half a million people are dead because our former President made a political game out of a viral pandemic.

An America where the President called a Black man a “son of a bitch” for kneeling in silent protest during the playing of a racist anthem, yet lovingly embraced the white insurrectionist who beat policemen with American flags after he incited an armed insurrection in protest of his election loss.

An America that is, sadly, all that and more…
I don’t care about trump. He’s a vile, narcissistic sociopath. What I do care about is my country, and seeing it fulfill its promise to be ‘a beacon’ for all of us. Not just for whites, or for those with money. For everyone.

If writing is how I can help achieve that goal, then I’m all in.


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